Rates & Terms
Consulting Rates
I support nonprofits to make and implement smart decisions around technology, communications, hiring staff in those roles, planning, and managing projects.
Professional consulting services are billed by project. An hourly rate is available by special request. Work is done at client request and there is no long-term obligation outside the agreed-upon scope of work. To provide the best value my minimum project size is 10 hours/$2,000.
Commercial/For Profit Hourly Rate: $225
Nonprofit Hourly Rate: $200
A retainer, equal to either 4 hours or 20% of the quoted project total, is required to commence work.
Read about some examples of my services
Training Rates
I produce and deliver keynote speeches, seminars and workshops for organizations around the world. My primary areas of expertise include technology, communications, online presence, strategic planning and consulting.
Full-Day: $10,000
Half-Day: $5,000
Training services include curriculum development, all materials customized for the organization/audience, production of learning materials, and training delivery. Travel and travel-related expenses are not included in these rates.
Training services provided during the course of a larger consulting engagement may be discounted
I am happy to provide a short call (up to 30 minutes) to discuss a potential engagement. This is to ensure I am a good fit for the project and to help draft a scope of work for discussion.
– A retainer and signed contract are required to commence work
– Travel expenses are charged outside the San Francisco Bay Area
To request more information, please Email Me
“I valued and appreciated your teaching and guidance. The workshop was superb and your work very much tailored to my current needs, knowledge and understanding”
Jose Carnevali
Deputy Regional Director, Office of Public Affairs
U.S. Department of Labor