Nonprofits Navigating ChatGPT Quirks: Understanding the Mistakes it Can Make

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Is your nonprofit harnessing the power of AI like ChatGPT in your daily operations? Well, buckle up, because today we’re diving into a topic that’s as quirky as it is important: the mistakes ChatGPT can make. Did you know that if properly prompted, ChatGPT will claim that the word “mayonnaise” contains more than two letter… Read more »

The Best Nonprofit Online Strategies are Data-Informed

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Too Busy To Improve image

Want to improve the results you get from the effort you put into your online presence? Your nonprofit’s best online strategies are the ones informed by your data. Data not just on activity but also on what content is most popular across your website, emails and social media channels. You don’t have to be a… Read more »

A Practical AI Path for Nonprofits

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Two paths and bike handles

In my work helping philanthropic and nonprofit organizations consider how to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools into their work, a pathway for good outcomes is emerging.   It starts with Foundational Elements (for some this means dusting these off): – Strategic Plan that includes Technology – even better if there is a detailed Technology Plan… Read more »

Unconscious Whiteness in Philanthropy: Reflections

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Banner at the Underground Railroad Museum Freedom Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. The blue banner with white lettering says "our shared humanity matters most".

Three takeaways from my participation in Unconscious Whiteness in Philanthropy course w/ the excellent Alison Traina and Alison Sirkus Brody. The course is a five-session cohort learning experience to deepen understanding of how white supremacy manifests in philanthropic organizations and systems, hosted by Northern California Grantmakers. – White Men Wanted. There is a need for… Read more »