Imagine choosing an expensive high-end smartphone with dozens of fancy features—a high-resolution camera, advanced productivity apps, and complex settings—but never bothering to get educated about those features, only using it to make calls and send texts. While some people do this without feeling stressed or thinking about the wasted dollars, in a nonprofit setting this… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Training
Reducing Your Social Media Risk
Third in my series Inside the Professional Social Media Certificate course at Sonoma State University. Visit for information. Using social media comes with risks. From damaging your professional or personal reputation to being snooped on by the government, sharing your life in public carries potential hazards. One of the leading experts on social media… Read more »
Critiquing Social Media Advice
Second in my series Inside the Professional Social Media Certificate Course at Sonoma State University. Visit for information. The world of social media advice is rife with bad science, link bait and self-serving "news”. The recent report from Princeton researchers showing how Facebook will lose users and comparing user adoption to the spread of… Read more »
Inside the Professional Social Media Certificate Program
This week we welcomed the inaugural group of students to the Professional Social Media Certificate Program at Sonoma State University. The class sold out at 30 students and there is a waiting list for the fall session. I am part of an outstanding team of five instructors, pictured above. They are (left to right) Merith… Read more »
Beth Kanter and #TheBethEffect
Beth Kanter has been inspiring me for over a decade, so I am grateful to be hosting an event in her honor online and at the David & Lucile Packard Foundation offices on Tuesday October 29th. I had heard about Beth's work for several years from nonprofit technology colleagues and seen her work online before… Read more »
Interactivity in Technology Training
Effective technology trainings need to be much more than listening to an expert speak, especially when the class runs for 6 hours.
Training with Beth Kanter: Time for Reflection
Next week Beth Kanter and I are teaching simultaneous master class sessions prior to the Connecting Up conference in Australia, hers on social media and mine on technology planning. I'm very excited that we worked together to find a way to bring the classes together at the end of the day to cross-polinate the learnings… Read more »
Nonprofits and the PICNIC error
PICNIC error – “Problem In Chair Not In Computer” is defined on Wikipedia as “slang in technical circles… that implies a lack of computer savvy on the part of a user”. While critics of the term argue that the issue actually arises from systems not designed intuitively, there is another issue common in nonprofits that… Read more »
Top Five Benefits of Having a Technology Plan
Whenever I began a new technology consulting project with a nonprofit, one of the first questions I ask is “Do you have a tech plan?” That’s because a good plan is the foundation of being strategic and successful with technology. Here are five top benefits I have seen organizations reap from technology planning. 1. Effort… Read more »
The Networked Nonprofit Consultant
On January 12th I will be presenting on the topic "Social Media for Consultants" to the Nonprofit Consultants Network at the Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Management in San Rafael, CA (if you are a consultant to nonprofits in the SF Bay Area I strongly encourage you to check it out – CVNL's Peer Affinity… Read more »